The National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act (2004) requires that national standards be established for municipalities to monitor point, non-point and mobile source emissions. This is brought to effect in the National Framework for Air Quality Management in the Republic of South Africa (2007). There has been a lot of misunderstanding regarding the Diesel Vehicle Exhaust Emission monitoring and limits. That is why the South African government introduced a by-law-model for adoption by the different municipalities in South Africa as an easy guide. Diesel vehicle exhaust emissions are governed by the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act 107 Of 1998), Model Air Quality Management By-Law for Easy Adoption and Adaptation by Municipalities.
Each municipality is responsible to manage diesel vehicle emissions within their own areas of jurisdiction by means of promulgating and enforcing their own by-laws. These by-laws determine the maximum allowed exhaust emissions for all diesel-driven motor vehicles. In addition to NEMA regulations, companies perform these tests for compliance with their ISO 14001 certification and internal environmental policies and programs.
KCM provides the service of measuring opacity from diesel vehicle engine exhausts. KCM uses a TEXA SPA OPABOX Autopower Diesel Exhaust Smoke Meter which is suitable for all diesel driven vehicles (cars, vans, trucks, buses, light and heavy plant machinery). The equipment is mobile, and therefore testing can be conveniently conducted on your site. and is internationally recognized and approved by VOSA for MOT testing in the UK.
- OPABOX Autopower is designed to be practical and versatile, and meets the full range of requirements of mechanics in the field of exhaust gas analysis.
- The analysis chamber is incorporated in a practical trolley mounted on wheels with ball bearings. The analyser can therefore be moved effortlessly to the vehicle waiting to be tested.
- It is equipped with a sampling probe for light and heavy vehicles. It boasts Flex Power technology which allows to connect the external rechargeable Power Pack
- The meter consists of an optical unit mounted inside a measuring head and a separate electronic control unit. The measurement principle is based on light extinction detection.
- The collimated beam from the light-source is absorbed and scattered by the particulate exhaust emissions.
- A photodiode determines the light intensity of the attenuated beam, and the corresponding opacity value is wirelessly transmitted to a separate remote display.
- Partial flow continuous gas sampling combined with a heated and temperature-controlled smoke chamber compensates for changes in pressure and test conditions to give you the most accurate readings possible.

- The vehicle to be tested is allowed to reach normal operating temperature before testing.
- Once the vehicle has reach normal operating temperatures, the accelerator is pressed fully, twice. This is performed to remove any particulates that have settled in the exhaust system during the idling period to reach normal operating temperatures.
- The probe is then inserted and secured in the exhaust pipe exit. The Diesel Smoke Meter samples the exhaust emissions through periods of idling and full, free acceleration. The sample is drawn through a chamber, within which a beam of high intensity light is passed.
- The amount of light which is scattered and/or absorbed is proportional to the amount of particulate matter (opacity) entrained in the exhaust emissions.
- The results are recorded and compared to a standard for assessment.
Should you require this service, contact us on or 061 568 5510